Below you will find briefings on current issues, however you can write your elected members on any topic of your choice in the "Write Them" section above. If you wish to write your elected member on a different topic, simply delete the suggested text that is already provided and type your own message. We urge all members of the public to be respectful when addressing members of the Cayman Islands Government.
What’s happening ?
The expansion of existing Marine Parks is a major environmental issue that needs to move forward for the Cayman Islands to secure a more sustainable future.
The Marine Parks Expansion
Despite having successful marine parks in the Cayman Islands, we have also lost a lot of coral on our reefs. We know the marine environment is under considerable pressure compared to when Marine Parks were first established in 1986. These threats include population increase, coastal developments, fishing, climate change and new invasive species.
What’s in it for us?
· Opportunity to catch lots of (and big) fish in Cayman waters in the future!
· Opportunity to eat fish from Cayman waters in the future!
· More attractive snorkel and dive sites for residents and tourists alike (more money to the people of the Cayman Islands)
· We meet our international obligations under the Convention on Biological Diversity
If the Marine Parks expansion does not happen corals will continue to die due to overfishing induced
ecosystem changes, pollution, coral diseases and climate change.
How can expanded marine parks help?
Less fishing and diving in certain areas means food webs may be restored, improving the way the ecosystem functions. This improves the health and resilience of our reefs and means that we will have more catchable fish since larvae, juveniles and adult fish drift or swim out of the marine parks and into the open fishing
areas (known as ‘spillover’).
The expansion of Marine Park is vital to the survival of the Marine Environment of the Cayman
Islands, however the decision is now with cabinet and there has been no progress on the matter.
How can you help?
If you agree that the expansion of the Marine Parks should move forward, please get behind this campaign and tell your elected members what you think by writing and urging them to approve the expansion. You can use your own language or feel free to use any of the suggested text below:
“I am writing to you to express my support for the expansion of the Marine Parks in the Cayman Islands. I am pleased to know that we are making steps as a Country to alleviate serious threats to our marine environment . The underwater life in the seas surrounding the Cayman Islands is too valuable to our economy, our visitors and our people for us to delay such an important decision. I support the expansion because I want to be able to have abundant fish in our waters for visitors and residents to enjoy for many years to come.
I am asking you as my elected representative to urgently support the approval of the Marine Parks expansion. Thank you for taking your duty to serve your constituents seriously.”